
The Protestant Congregation at Egmond formally became a fact on December 11, 2006, after the reformed congregation and the reformed church had already been incorporated into SOW-Our congregation is a congregation, a church that offers time and space for celebration and reflection, for reverent, loving intercourse with God and with each other, with an eye to the world, starting with the many guests (tourists) who visit the services each year.

We seek from our faith and the mission we have as Christians to be open to one another and to our fellow human beings and to support them in the broadest sense of the word. We are aware that the world does not stop at Egmond. Ecumenically, we are also trying to make this happen. Cooperation with the Old Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church has been given place and substance in Egmond.

Global projects of Church in Action and Amnesty International, among others, are supported. Close to home, we are involved in the Food Bank, Refugee Work, the elaboration of the WMO (Social Support Act) and local projects, among others

Text for the road:
A living congregation shares responsibilities and invests in the gifts of its members.

Where can we have churches?

Address church building: Trompstraat 2, 1931 EL Egmond aan Zee

Castle Chapel: Slotweg 19, 1934 CM Egmond aan den Hoef

Church services are free to attend.

You can also listen to the church service at home via You do not have to


The existing arrangements for the use of the church building for e.g. civil and/or church weddings, as well as for funeral services are continued. If necessary, rates will be adjusted.

The rental of the Building will also continue on the terms established by the Church Council.


PKN church Egmond

Working groups, activities, policy plan

Official working groups

Church Council: the governing body of the congregation.
Diaconate: has the task of providing assistance to those who need help.
Pastoral Consultation: training of elders and deacons who do home visits. Board of Churchwardens: deals with the management of the church, building and cemetery.

Other working groups

Editing ‘Samenvaart’ : the church bulletin is published 3 times a year.
Liturgy Group: has input on the content of the services.
Ecumenical Working Group: delegates from all the churches of the Egmond region prepare a number of services and discuss matters of importance for ecumenism.

Other activities

Open House (ecumenical): every Thursday morning from 10 a.m. to noon in The Building next to the Protestant Church in Egmond.

Discussion circles: there is one monthly discussion circle (1st Wednesday evening of the month) which itself always comes up with new themes and a bi-weekly Bible study group (Thursday afternoons), which follows a lectio continua with a commentary by Thomas Naastepad added for deepening.


Egmond Protestant Church is spread over three villages: Egmond aan Zee, Egmond aan den Hoef and Egmond-Binnen.
The villages are part of the civil municipality of Bergen, which further includes Bergen, Bergen aan Zee, Schoorl and Groet.

The Egmond village centers each have their own character, culture and atmosphere.
Major sources of income are: tourism, agriculture (bulb growing), livestock and small industry.

The Egmond region has great cultural-historical value, which takes shape not only in buildings and landscape, but also in events and exhibitions.

Egmond profiles itself as a family seaside resort. In the summer months, the villages are flooded with tourists, from home and abroad.
Some of them attend our congregation’s weekly celebrations. In doing so, hospitality is our top priority. Together we try to take responsibility for each other, pushing the boundaries.
Ecumenically, we are also trying to make this happen.

Cooperation with the Old Catholic parish and the Roman Catholic parish has an important place in the Egmond.

There are four elementary school in the 3 Egmonden. There are two care centers, the Prince Henry Foundation, care center Huize Agnes, and a hospice.
The Protestant Church at Egmond aan Zee is a beautifully restored building from 1746. A functioning association building, “the Building,” is attached.

PKN church Egmond

Vision of church being

The congregation of Jesus Christ in the Egmonden is a congregation, a church that offers time and space for celebration and reflection, for reverent, loving contact with God and with each other, with an eye to the world, starting with the many guests (tourists) who visit the services every year and also receive a warm welcome after the services during the coffee hour in the Building.

During the winter season, from October to March, togetherness is enhanced by monthly soup meals.

In church, the congregation – with those guests! – living, feeling at home, at ease. At set times, people may temporarily pitch their tents there, refresh themselves, revive their souls and then go out into the world again.

Always space will be kept open for the encounter with the Eternal God, Source of our life, who has said “I will be there” – God, who pre-eminently calls on people, addresses them, so that they, aroused by that call, in turn answer.

The church continually works to ensure that with regularity this light of life, this life force, are renewed and shared. The Word is heard and explained, baptism is administered, bread and wine are shared, songs are sung, prayers are said, blessing is placed on the congregation. All this is done with attention and care, with smell, color and taste: audible, tangible, palpable, visible.

Faith may be lived with spirit, soul and body!

In freedom, the congregation comes together and it is willing to learn to continue to marvel at the long-suffering love God has for us humans. In doing so, she lives in the realization that God’s love for us is a call to build peace and justice in this world. The church also has that prophetic, often disruptive function in society, a function that does not fit the mold of society’s daily routine.

The church wants to be serious about the priesthood of believers. Every church member shares responsibility for the church.

In summary, the Protestant Congregation of Egmond recognizes in its vision a whole number of the so-called “promising models for the missionary congregation” that were provided in 2009 by the national service organization:

the church is welcoming, engaged, it draws from the Source, it serves, celebrates and teaches, is pastorally moved – and not only at the crossroads of life.
following Exodus 25-40

More information about the PKN Church in Egmond can be found on their website:

PKN kerk Egmond

Church buildings and landmarks.

The church in Egmond aan Zee was built in 1746.
The interior, pulpit and stained glass windows are a sight to behold. On the front of the pulpit are the coats of arms of Alkmaar, Hoorn, Enkhuizen, Edam, Monnikendam, Medemblik and Purmerend, surrounding the coat of arms of West Friesland, with a king’s crown above.

The stained glass windows depict the story of creation and come from Egmond aan Zee Reformed Church, which was sold years ago.

The organ was built by Fa L. van Dam in Leeuwarden and dates from 1898.
For photos of the church, see the work of church photographer Diana Nieuwold:

The Slotkapel in Egmond aan den Hoef dates from the early 13th century and belonged to the castle of the Lords of Egmond destroyed in 1573. The building received its present form after a thorough restoration in 1634.

Cemetery | Castle Chapel in Egmond aan den Hoef

The Egmond Protestant congregation manages the cemetery at the Slotkapel in Egmond aan den Hoef. To rent a grave or place an urn there, one need not be a (baptismal) member of the church. The graves are two deep, giving the following options: interment of two caskets and one urn, interment of one casket and two urns, interment of three urns. One can rent a grave for a period of 20 years. This period may be extended upon completion. One can also immediately enter into a long-term lease.

Independent of this rent, annual cemetery maintenance fees are due annually. From these dues, the cemetery is maintained and the greenery is maintained. The maintenance of the grave itself is the responsibility of the tenant. Rates are indexed every year. One rightful claimant shall be registered with the cemetery administration for each grave. This rights holder has the exclusive right to designate who may be interred in the grave, waive the rights or transfer the grave to someone else.

At the Castle Chapel, it is advisable to reserve a spot. Here places are limited.

For all inquiries: Mr. A. Wijker, tel. 072-5065420, b.g.g. Mr. J.Mesu 072-5063060. For other questions, you can also email:

In Egmond aan Zee, it is customary to ring the church bell at noon or 4 p.m. in the event of a death, known as “ringing.

For info please call Mr. H.Nauta, tel. 072-5062065 or Mr. A. Wijker, tel. 072-5065420