Who we are
We offer people with intellectual disabilities a pleasant and safe living and working environment.
An environment responsive to each person’s abilities, choices and independence. An environment that also offers peace, security and structure.
On the farm, clients live in an apartment in what is known as a 24-hour residential facility. Clients also live in apartments at the De Klompenhoeve residential project in Egmond aan den Hoef.
On the farm, these and other clients from the area work in goat farming, dairy making and horticulture. They make a wide range of delicious organic goat milk products such as cheese and cottage cheese and grow fruits and vegetables. Artisanal local produce, in a healthy and clean environment. In addition to this, the Klompenhoeve offers a wide range of craft, civic and creative activities.
History and Mission
Care farm De Klompenhoeve was started in 1976. This makes it one of the first care farms in the Netherlands.
Two things contributed significantly to the creation of the care farm:
1. The fact that in the 1970s the possibilities and individuality of people with intellectual disabilities became increasingly central. New forms of living and working were henceforth initiated in the midst of society rather than outside it.
2. The experience that clients flourished through farm visits and work vacations.
Contact with animals and the sheltered environment stimulated their development.
As care farm De Klompenhoeve, we want to offer clients meaningful agricultural and craft work and a pleasant, safe living environment. Such that they feel connected to society and can develop personally.
2 different living arrangements
Farmhouse De Klompenhoeve
At residential farm De Klompenhoeve, 24-hour supervision is available. This residential facility consists of 2 farmhouses with apartments. The clients run their own households with the help of the supervisors. Each client has his or her own client supervisor. Together with the client, this person draws up a support plan that states what the client will be supported with and in what way. Clients with 24-hour supervision have a residential indication and fall within the A.W.B.Z. co-payment scheme.
Mossel Avenue residential project:
In the village of Egmond aan den Hoef, clients live in their own apartment where they live independently with support. Depending on indication and guidance needs, they receive support in their own homes. With their client supervisor, they create a support plan. In addition to direct counseling hours at home, clients can call on support center counselors. The support center is located in the same residential block as the clients’ apartments. Here they can come daily with their questions and problems or just for fun. A volunteer also gives computer lessons, for example.
Farm Shop
The assortment includes:
- Goat cheese natural and herbs,
- Egmond Bulbs
- cottage cheese, yogurt and creme fraiche
- butter, milk & eggs
- grated cheese, vegetables and herbs
- flowers, honey, homemade jam
- cookies and other baked goods
- meat from our own animals
(regular offerings of beef, calf, pig, lamb and goat) etc.
In addition to our own range, we also sell products from other organic farmers in the area, for example cheese made from cow’s milk.
You can also visit our store for gift items, these items are made by clients in the day activity centers.
The farm store is run by our clients, volunteers and supervisors.
Care farm
s a biodynamic farm with an attached activity center (the Day Farm).
The farm has several areas of work: goat farming, dairy production, horticulture and civil management.
In addition, various craft, formative and creative activities are offered.
Farm work takes place at different levels depending on the client’s indication.
In the production sphere with a W.S.W. indication (Social Security Act). And in the activity sphere with an A.W.B.Z. indication (Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten).
Opening hours
Opening hours: Monday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Care farm De Klompenhoeve
Hoeverweg 7
1934 PK Egmond aan den Hoef
Website: http://www.klompenhoeve.nl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klompenhoeve
Activity Center
There appeared to be an increasing need for activities without direct production requirements for people who need more support.
The clients of the Day Farm have an A.W.B.Z. indication. They have a shorter work day and receive more supervision than the clients with a W.S.W. indication.
The program of activities offered by the Day Farm is wide and varied. Thus, horticulture and civil management fall under the Day Farm.
Civil management provides coffee and tea, meals, cleaning, operations, purchasing, repairs and painting.
There are also carpentry, store activities, cooking and baking, drawing and painting, singing and drama.
Work Area/Day Farm/Shop:
072-5067067(Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. only).
Horses (
06 30 68 08 98 )
Residential farmhouse:
072-5063513 (residential office)