Transferium at Hogedijk Egmond-Binnen
This year the Bergen municipality is providing an interchange in Egmond-Binnen on summer days in July and August. A parking lot will be available at the village edge where visitors can park their cars and then board a bus that will take them to the beach. The parking lot is located on the Hogedijk in Egmond-Binnen. The bus will take visitors to the promenade in Egmond aan Zee.
Bergen County is a beautiful, diverse community. Many visitors therefore know their way to the special village centers of Bergen, Egmond and Schoorl. Especially in nice weather, the municipality catches many tourists and recreationists. Tourists and recreationists are welcome, but at the same time they create high traffic and parking pressures. This creates friction in terms of accessibility and livability. This applies to residents, business owners, recreationists as well as emergency and emergency services. Parking pressure is caused by a shortage of available parking spaces in the cores, at so-called peak times.
Open on warm, sunny days
When the weather forecast says the sun will shine brightly and the temperature will rise above 25 degrees, the transferium will open. Each week, different media channels of Bergen County will indicate which days these are. The transferium is open from 10:30 a.m. The first shuttle bus will then depart from the parking lot to Egmond aan Zee. The last ride is at 7:30 p.m. from the boulevard in Egmond aan Zee to the Hogedijk. The goal is to have a bus leave every 15 minutes from both spots (parking lot and boulevard). A maximum of 24 people can travel on the bus.
Choice of Hogedijk
The Hogedijk in Egmond-Binnen was chosen because it is an existing parking lot of about 100 public parking spaces. This is a great example of double use and making the best use of the parking capacity in Bergen County. In fact, during the months of July and August, the parking lots are used less by surrounding sports clubs, except for some tournament days. During tournaments, the use of the transfer court will be modified.
Pilot project
The use of the transfer station is a pilot, a pilot project. It is therefore a maximum of 25 days. Through the pilot, the municipality can see if beachgoers can be enticed to get to their destination by other means. After the summer, we will discuss whether it is successful and whether there will be a follow-up.
If local business owners would like to join the pilot, offering bike rentals, for example, they are welcome to do so. The municipality is discussing this with the Egmond aan Zee business association.
Free parking and bus use
Use of the parking lot and shuttle bus is free.